DocDB-doc-# | Title | Author(s) | Topic(s) | Last Updated |
153-v1 | Detector requirements for measurements at the Electron-Ion Collider | Markus Diefenthaler et al. | Detector |
30 Apr 2019 |
247-v1 | EIC Software Consortium: Monte Carlo Initiative | Markus Diefenthaler | Software |
01 Aug 2018 |
1-v3 | An Introduction to the Interaction Region and Detector Design | Markus Diefenthaler et al. | Detector |
10 Jul 2018 |
186-v1 | JLEIC Software Tutorial | Markus Diefenthaler et al. | Software |
15 Feb 2018 |
63-v1 | JLEIC Physics Program Update | Markus Diefenthaler | Accelerator Physics Detector |
06 Nov 2017 |
94-v2 | Future Trends in NP Computing - Overview | Markus Diefenthaler | Software and Controls Software Analysis Methods and Tools |
19 May 2017 |
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